Good News, Good News, Bad News, Good News, Good News. See, more good than bad. :)
The first Good News was that Les was able to get his MRI very soon after he was admitted to the hospital yesterday (1/26/04). We were back in the room by 2:30pm (last time he didn’t start until 6:00pm).
The second Good News was that because his MRI was so early, they were able to start his chemo on Monday afternoon instead of waiting until Tuesday morning. I was anticipating one day for MRI and then three days for the chemo. By starting the chemo on Monday, we are able to shorten our hospital stay by a whole day (and night).
The Bad News was that I started getting a sore throat last night. I had a long night without much rest.
The third Good News was that my grandma (who lives close by) didn’t have anything scheduled today, so she came and relieved me at the hospital. I was able to go to her house and take a nap as well as take a shower. I’m feeling much better. I spoke to the pharmacist and he suggested a warm salt-water gargle and some Tylenol, so hopefully I’ll get some more rest tonight.
The final Good News is that the MRI results came back and everything is still clear. There was no change from the November scan (which was his first clear scan).
More detailed update when I get home.
Keep scrolling down - I added the details.